Our current major concern is the recruitment of younger newly retired men and women and part time workers to replace some of the veterans in the group and to encourage participation  by volunteers from local retailers and businesses.

The Langstone Conservtion Group (contact: was formed over 20 years ago by Peter Turnbull and now has a nucleus of 12 regular members who gather on alternate Monday mornings to clear litter and obstructions along the Langbrook Stream, by Tesco and the adjacent path, this on the 1st Monday of the month. On the 3rd Monday we cover the Lymbourne Stream, the Billy Trail (BT) and paths to Langstone Harbour including the foreshore.  The litter is collected in separate bags for landfill disposal or recycling. Details are recorded. Our Northern group, who live in Havant, look after the Billy Trail north of the bridge carrying the A27 and have helped with school projects about the Trail.

Over the years we have initiated special projects with help from additional volunteers: replacing stiles with kissing gates, erecting notice boards and benches and renovating Path 51b.  We also assist in beach cleans and some members help our sister group on Hayling Island.

In this work we have been aided by the provision of tools and expert supervision from Havant Borough Council (HBC), Hampshire County Council (HCC) and The Conservation Volunteers (TCV).

We have close links with and support from the Langstone Residents Association (LRA), and liaise with Havant Borough Council, Hampshire County Council, The Conservation Volunteers and other local conservation groups within the Havant Conservation Forum. HBC have provided essential support for our activities with the supply of collecting bags, litter pickers, protective gloves and by reimbursing our accident insurance and TVC membership fee.

Funding for the kissing gates and other special projects has been provided by donations from HCC, Tesco, Waitrose, the LRA and individual Langstone residents, but many minor costs such as telephone calls, printing expenses, travel costs and refreshments are provided by the volunteers themselves.